Knee Pain Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Advice

The knee is a very complex structure that comprises of the close interaction of 4 bones, an extensive network of ligaments and muscles, meniscus, bursa’s and cartilage. There is substantial weight put throughout our knees during our activities of daily living and exercise which could lead to knee pain.

Due to the complexity of the joint and the multitude of injuries that can occur, we tend to ask you a lot of questions if you present with knee pain.  

This can include:  

  • How did it happen? 
  • How was your knee positioned? 
  • What direction was the force going? 
  • Was there a snap or pop when the injury occurred? 
  • Was there immediate swelling and pain? 
  • Were you and are you still able to weight bear? If you can weight bear it usually indicates that there are no major fractures. 
  • Do you have any locking, giving way, clicking or popping with movement? 

We ask this in order to rule conditions or injuries in and out as well as assessing the need for imaging prior to treatment.  

Common Injuries and conditions that can occur to the knee include:  

  • Fractures 
  • Cartilage Injuries 
  • Osteochondral injuries or lesions 
  • Meniscus injuries 
  • Ligament injuries in isolation or combination 
  • Patella dislocations 
  • Knee dislocations (rare but VERY serious) 
  • Osgood Schlatter’s Disease 
  • Arthritis  
Knee Anatomy

In order for us to properly diagnose your Knee pain we ask that you book an appointment with one of our qualified Osteopaths in order to find an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Consider booking an appointment if you experience Knee pain while walking, Knee pain on inner side of the knee, while bending or any other Knee related Pain.